Monday, February 12, 2007

Over my head

I looked up, stretching my neck, and saw this lovely ornament hanging above my cubicle.


Unknown said...

That's the roof over your cubicle? Looks like a gazebo. Or some WWII-era pre-fab hut. What gives?

P. Sternberg said...

I've inadvertently played an interesting trick of perspective on you. The photo was taken with the lens at about a 45-degree angle from the ceiling. At the top are acoustic tiles, and about two feet below them are beams (to one of which the ornament is attached) suspended by metal struts. The struts connect to the ceiling and beams at a 45-degree angle in a plane perpendicular to the camera's plane of tilt.

A wider view would probably be easier to parse visually.

Unknown said...

Little did I know both of my posts shared a theme. But optical illusions aside, poorly white-washed wooden beams suspended beneath a false-ceiling by cheap metal struts still seems an odd architectural choice for a high-tech government lab. But maybe I've answered my own question: the high-tech government facility which houses my own office sports a kind of faded, low-budget "Stargate SG-1" chic. I'd provide a photo, but cameras aren't allowed...