In some sense it seems perfectly natural for a radio station whose call letters are a common mathematical initialism (or is it a physical one?) to report on mathematical news. As I mentioned before, this story in particular is catching a lot of attention. At a conference I attended last week, the topic of E8 and its broad media exposure arose; I attributed this phenomenon to the fact that this is one of the first major milestones to be reached by an AIM-sponsored project, and that AIM puts a much greater (and much needed) emphasis on public relations than do other mathematical research institutions.
In the meantime, I found another connection between my own work and the E8 project. The big character table calculation was carried out on SAGE, a multi-processor AMD Opteron machine built by Western Scientific, who also built my multi-processor AMD Opteron machine, frost. Hopefully some adaptation of the adage on great minds thinking alike can be applied to these systems.

I think about math
Aye, think about math.
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